
Modi @ 8 | From swearing in to visiting Denmark; Narendra Modi’s 8 years of foreign diplomatic relations

In 2014, Narendra Modi was sworn in as the Prime Minister of India. Even before he was sworn in as Prime Minister on May 26, 2014, he had initiated foreign relations by inviting leaders of all South Asian countries to his swearing-in ceremony.

Prime Minister Modi is focused on renewing ties with countries around the world. Examples range from swearing in to a recent visit to Tokyo. It can be said that his speeches and multiple visits to different countries began to bear fruit. World leaders now acknowledge many of India’s efforts and possibilities. Let us see what kind of diplomatic efforts Modi is making for India.

Sworn in 2014

Foreign delegates who had been working in New Delhi till 2014 attended the swearing in ceremony of the Prime Minister. But world leaders were not invited to the ceremony. The leaders of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka were invited to Modi’s swearing-in ceremony at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif also attended the ceremony.

Visit to Mongolia in 2015

Until 2015, no Indian Prime Minister had visited Mongolia. “Our relationship is neither commercial nor competitive. We have a positive connection from shared spiritual ideas, ”he said. He addressed the Mongolian Parliament and confirmed his partnership with the country.

2015 visit to the UAE

In August 2015, Modi visited the UAE. This is the first visit of an Indian Prime Minister to the Gulf country in three decades. It is also Modi’s first visit to an Islamic country. Indira Gandhi last visited the country in 1981. Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed thousands of people at the Dubai Cricket Stadium after discussing trade, investment and security with leaders.

2015 British Parliament

In 2015, Modi visited the UK. Modi was the first Indian leader to address the British Parliament. In a speech to British lawmakers, Modi said, “There are many things that are difficult to say whether you are British or Indian. For example, Jaguar or Scotland Yard. Also, we like Bhangra Rap from London as much as you like the English novel in India ”.

Visit to Israel in 2017

On July 4, 2017, Modi was the first Indian Prime Minister to visit Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received Modi in Tel Aviv. Although they worked together on counter-terrorism and arms procurement, there were no warm relations between the two countries. Therefore, this visit was very crucial. A year later, Netanyahu visited India.

Ramallah visit in 2018

In February 2018, Modi was the first Prime Minister to pay an official visit to Palestine. He landed at the Palestinian Authority’s presidential headquarters in Ramallah. Palestinian leaders described the visit as “historic.” However, the Indian Ministry of External Affairs described it as “unforgettable and historic”. The Prime Minister addressed the gathering in the presence of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Visit to Rwanda in 2018

In July 2018, Modi paid a two-day visit to Rwanda in Africa. He met with President Paul Kagame, business leaders and the Indian community. During the meeting, the Defense Cooperation Agreement was signed and it was announced that a mission would be launched in Rwanda.

2021 UNSC Meet

On August 9, 2021, Modi chaired a meeting of the UN Security Council (UNSC). He chaired the panel discussion on ‘Enhancing Maritime Security – A Case for International Cooperation’. During the discussion, the Prime Minister explained five key principles. The first was to remove barriers to maritime trade. Modi also highlighted the 2015 Sagar (Security and Growth for All in the Region) plan for regional maritime security.

Visit to Denmark in 2022

After the war, Prime Minister Modi visited Denmark at a time when Ukraine was in crisis. Modi is the first Indian Prime Minister to visit here in two decades. In 2002, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee visited Copenhagen. During that visit, relations between India and Denmark became hostile, with the then Prime Minister Andrews Fog Rasmussen advising on how to deal with Pakistan and Kashmir. When Manmohan Singh attended the UN General Assembly in Copenhagen in 2009, there were no bilateral talks. However, Modi’s visit was aimed at strengthening ties.

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