
Morning Moon Village Collaborates with Bitkub Metaverse to Expand Virtual Gaming Experience

X10 Interactive Collaborates with Bitkub Metaverse for Interactive Gaming Experience

X10 Interactive Company Limited, the developer behind the popular game Morning Moon Village, has recently announced a collaboration with Bitkub Metaverse, Thailand’s expansive virtual world. This partnership aims to develop and connect applications within the Bitkub Metaverse, offering gamers a unique and immersive experience.

Bitkub Metaverse, known for its captivating theme of stars in the universe, has now launched XRB Galaxy. This virtual world allows players to become a Rabbit character and engage in various fun activities while exploring an intricately designed city. With its cute 3D graphics, Morning Moon Village offers players the opportunity to plant vegetables, farm, and explore resources. The collaboration between these two gaming platforms aims to provide entertainment and benefits across multiple dimensions, including farming, concessions, gathering free materials, energy recovery items, land management, and a buddy system.

The partnership between Morning Moon Village and Bitkub Metaverse will bring about the development and integration of various items and products. From carrots and tomatoes to corn and cabbage, players will be able to enjoy these products within the Morning Moon Village game as well as within the Bitkub Metaverse. This collaboration will also explore the concept of using products from both games together, resulting in a seamless gaming experience.

Mr. Nenin Ananbanchachai, the Managing Director of X10 Interactive Company Limited, expressed his excitement about the collaboration, stating, “The virtual world, or Metaverse, is something that is intriguing and familiar to us. Morning Moon Village already has a multiplayer system, similar to that of a virtual world. The implementation of Bitkub Metaverse utilizing blockchain technology on Bitkub allows us to connect the real use between Morning Moon Village and Bitkub Metaverse.

Mr. Phasakorn Pannok, the CEO of Bitkub Blockchain Technology Co., Ltd., also shared his optimism about the collaboration, mentioning plans for joint game development in the future. “We believe that this collaboration will enhance efficiency and create real applications within the Bitkub Metaverse, establishing a bridge between the two game worlds. Our future plans include the ability to use items and products from Morning Moon Village within Bitkub Metaverse,” he stated.

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If you wish to stay updated with the latest news and engage with the Bitkub Metaverse community, you can join their Telegram channel: [Telegram link]. For information and updates about the game Morning Moon Village, you can visit their Linktree page: [Linktree page link].

X10 Interactive Company Limited is the developer of Morning Moon Village, a game of planting vegetables, farming and exploring resources in cute 3D graphics. Announcing a collaboration to develop and connect applications on Bitkub Metaverse, Thailand’s massive virtual world.

Bitkub Metaverse, a virtual world Under the concept of stars in the universe, XRB Galaxy has been officially launched. Let players take on the role of Rabbit and join in the fun with various activities and enjoy telling stories. City and character design that gives everyone entertainment and benefits in many dimensions Players can enjoy the game system such as farming (Farming), concessions (Concession), gathering free materials at different points (Gathering Node), energy recovery items (Expendable Item), land management (Tir Management) and buddy system (Friends)

For this collaboration, Morning Moon Village has announced the development and integration of different items and products such as carrots, tomatoes, corn, cabbage, and many more. In addition, products can be mixed in the Morning Moon Village game as well. world of Bitkub Metaverse as well. There is also a concept that uses the products of both games together.

“The virtual world or Metaverse is interesting and close to us. The game Morning Moon Village already has a multiplayer system, which is a game similar to the virtual world. In addition, Bitkub Metaverse is implemented using the blockchain system on Bitkub. Chain is a technology that operates on an open database. Thus making it possible to connect the real use between the worlds of Morning Moon Village and Bitkub Metaverse together.” Mr. Nenin Ananbanchachai Managing Director of X10 Interactive Company Limited said

“I believe that this collaboration can improve efficiency and create real applications for the Bitkub Metaverse, which is a link between the two game worlds. In the future, there will be many plans for joint game development, such as the ability to use an Item Or some products can be used on the Bitkub Metaverse,” said Mr. Phasakorn Pannok, CEO of Bitkub Blockchain Technology Co, Ltd.

You can follow Bitkub Metaverse news and talk to the community in the following channels: Telegram:

and the game Morning Moon Village in Linktree: (Thai):

#Morning #Moon #Village #officially #joins #hands #Bitkub #Metaverse