
Nam Dinh removed the name of the former HAGL star from the competition list

Nam Dinh Club is very active in the transfer period between the 2023/2024 season. The home team of Thien Truong stadium recruited Lucas, Ngoc Bao, Thanh Thinh and Tuan Anh to be determined to win the championship this season.

Bringing in more new recruits means that Nam Dinh will have to drop the names of some players to get a chance to register with the Organizing Committee. The most notable name that Nam Dinh removed from the registration list to compete in phase 2 of V-League 2023/2024 is midfielder Huu Tuan.

Huu Tuan is not registered to play in phase 2 of V-League 2023/2024 (Photo: VPF).

Huu Tuan is not on the registration list for phase 2 competition, but is still on Nam Dinh’s payroll. Huu Tuan was the mainstay of the Nam team in the first leg, appearing in 12 matches at the V-League playground. However, at the end of phase 1, this midfielder lost form and made mistakes.

In the match against Thanh Hoa, Huu Tuan made a direct mistake leading to 2 penalty kicks. In the 22nd minute, Huu Tuan used his hand to play the ball in the penalty area and the referee awarded a penalty kick to the away team. Luck was on Nam Dinh’s side when Thanh Hoa failed. But at the last minute of the match, it was Huu Tuan who made the home team miserable. In a dispute in the penalty area, the midfielder committed a foul, VAR intervened and the referee once again awarded a penalty to the away team. This time on the 11m mark, Thanh Hoa scored with a precise kick from Luiz Antonio.

Huu Tuan’s performance deteriorated

In addition to the two recent mistakes, Huu Tuan also appeared unsafe when playing center back in matches from the beginning of the season.

This is very unfortunate for Huu Tuan, who was once considered the top interior midfielder in the V-League thanks to his aggressiveness, determination to play and good interception ability. But perhaps age has made him decline. At the age of 32, this midfielder is clearly exhausted.

According to the match schedule, Nam Dinh will face Binh Dinh in round 15 of V-League 2023/2024 at Thien Truong Stadium. After this round, Vietnam’s highest playing field will take a break for nearly a month to make way for U23 Vietnam to compete at the 2024 U23 Asian Finals.