
NASA Perseverance rover: Rope group found on Mars surface –

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The rover’s left-front hazard evasion camera captured a light-colored object on July 12 that some people likened to spaghetti.

Space agency officials confirmed they believed the object was a string left over from the Perseverance landing.

A spokesman for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Perseverance mission in Pasadena, Calif., said the string may have come from the rover or its descent, a component similar to the rocket-powered jetpack used to lower the lander. The rover has safely landed on the earth’s surface.

The spokesman said the effort was never in the area where the rope was found. So it’s possible the wind will blow there, the spokesman said.

The spokesman said the probe is now looking for signs of microscopic life that might have called Mars home billions of years ago. This crater is where Perseverance arrived on February 18, 2021.

The rover's front right deterrent camera captures a wider string of images (below).

When Perseverance returned to String’s website four days later, The object disappeared.

This isn’t the first time the rover has stumbled upon debris from a Mars landing.

Perseverance’s camera took a picture of a piece of glittery foil in mid-June. Tweet from Rover’s official account.The team believes it is part of the rover’s cooling blanket. which is a thin material that controls the temperature that may fall during the falling process

The NASA expedition team is researching more about the new debris and plans to reveal more details later this week.