
New Research Reveals the Most Effective Therapy for Tinnitus: Laser Treatment Shows Promising Results

Lack of Standard Therapy or Drug for 750 Million Tinnitus Sufferers Worldwide

If you suddenly experience tinnitus (ringing in the ears), it can be distressing. However, staying calm and seeking medical assistance can help alleviate the symptoms. Research has found that laser therapy is the most effective treatment for this condition, which currently lacks a clear standard therapy or medication.

A recent literature review conducted by the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil explored various therapies and drugs used to treat tinnitus. The study identified low-level laser therapy and photobiomodulation as the most successful options.

Photobiomodulation therapy involves exposing a wound or lesion to a low-power laser, stimulating natural healing processes in the body.

According to a comprehensive European study analyzing data from 50 years of tinnitus patients, approximately 750 million people worldwide suffer from this condition. Yet, there is still no approved standard therapy or treatment recognized by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Tinnitus is characterized by a persistent ringing or hissing sound in the ears, often causing discomfort and frustration. To address this issue, various treatments are commonly employed, including ear washes, local anesthetics, antidepressants, antihistamines, antipsychotics, tranquilizers, and even laser therapy.

In a recent research study, over 100 men and women between the ages of 18 and 65 with idiopathic tinnitus or refractory tinnitus without a clear cause were divided into ten groups. These groups underwent alternative and complementary therapies for four weeks, including laser acupuncture therapy, administration of ginkgo biloba (a medicinal plant), administration of flunarizine dihydrochloride, and low-level laser therapy (transcutaneous stimulation).

Results from this study showed significant improvements in patients who received laser acupuncture (as the only treatment) and low-level laser therapy (as the only treatment). Particularly, when the laser exposure time was increased from 6 minutes to 15 minutes, tinnitus symptoms improved significantly.

The research team noted, “Laser therapy exhibited promising therapeutic effects by stimulating the proliferation of inner ear cells and collagen production.” Although laser treatment is not the sole solution for tinnitus, it provides valuable insights for healthcare professionals, including dentists, otolaryngologists, and speech therapists, as well as patients seeking symptom relief.

According to medical information from Seoul National University Hospital, the cause of tinnitus can be identified in 71% of cases, while 29% remain unexplained. Possible factors contributing to tinnitus include inner ear diseases (20%), exposure to loud noises (15%), head and neck trauma (13%), otitis externa/otitis media (7%), side effects of medications (6%), upper respiratory tract infections (3%), stress (3%), and fatigue (1%).

These research findings shed light on the plight of millions suffering from tinnitus globally. With laser therapy showing promise as an effective treatment option, it brings hope to both patients and medical professionals.

750 million people worldwide suffer from tinnitus… There is no clear standard therapy or drug yet

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If tinnitus (ringing in the ears) occurs suddenly, it is not difficult. You should calm down and try to relieve the symptoms with the help of medical staff. [사진=게이티미지뱅크]Research has shown that laser therapy is the most effective in relieving the symptoms of tinnitus (ringing in the ears), for which there is no clear standard treatment or drug yet.

The University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, conducted a literature review and tested various therapies and drugs used to treat tinnitus, and found low-level laser therapy and photobiomodulation to be the most effective.

Photobiomodulation therapy is a treatment that stimulates natural healing by exposing a wound or lesion (a change in the body caused by disease) to a low-power laser.

According to a European study that analyzed 50 years of tinnitus patient data, around 750 million people worldwide suffer from tinnitus. There is no standard therapy or treatment approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) yet.

Tinnitus is a symptom of ringing or hissing in the ears. When tinnitus appears, it is very unpleasant and, in some cases, dull. For the treatment of tinnitus, drugs such as ear washes, local anaesthetics, antidepressants, antihistamines, antipsychotics and tranquilizers are used, and laser therapy is also used.

The research team divided more than 100 men and women between the ages of 18 and 65 into 10 groups and tested alternative and complementary therapies for idiopathic tinnitus and refractory tinnitus with no clear cause over 4 weeks. The tests included laser acupuncture therapy, administration of ginkgo biloba (a medicinal plant), administration of flunarizine dihydrochloride, and low-level laser therapy (transcutaneous stimulation).

The results of the study showed the best results in patients who received laser acupuncture (treatment only) and low level laser therapy (treatment only). In particular, when the laser exposure time (irradiation time) of laser therapy was increased from 6 minutes to 15 minutes, tinnitus symptoms improved remarkably.

The research team said, “The laser therapy showed relatively high therapeutic effects, such as stimulating the proliferation of inner ear cells and collagen production.” Laser treatment is not the only treatment that can alleviate the symptoms of tinnitus, but it is expected to be a good reference for patients and medical staff such as dentists, otolaryngologists, and speech therapists.

According to the medical information of Seoul National University Hospital, the cause of tinnitus can be estimated in 71% of cases and 29% in cases where it cannot be estimated. Possible causes include diseases of the inner part of the ear (inner ear) (20%), noise (15%), trauma to the head and neck (head and neck) (13%), otitis externa/otitis media ( 7% ), and drug side effects (6%), upper respiratory tract infection (3%), stress (3%), and fatigue (1%).

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