
New species take a shorter time! Only 4 months, epidemic instead of the original covid

25 July 2022 – Dr. Manoon Leechawengwong, Head of ICU specializing in respiratory diseases, critically ill patients and the elderly at Wichaiyut Hospital Post a message via Facebook that coronavirus disease covid-19 will be with us forever But the concern is This virus has a mutation. New species are born all the time. The new cultivar spreads faster than the old cultivar. and evade immunity from vaccination or natural infection better than the original strain Currently, the new species take a shorter period of time, only 3-4 months, to replace the original species. and causing a new wave of pandemics around the world

Look back on the COVID-19 virus The Delta species was first discovered in India at the end of the year 2020 and later spread rapidly. causing a global pandemic

It took almost a year for the first Omicron strain BA.1 to be found in South Africa. November 2021 spread faster than before replaced the delta species. causing a pandemic in every country

After that, it only took 4 months in February. 2022 BA.5 subspecies omikron found in South Africa It spreads faster than the subspecies BA.1, BA.2, BA.4, now replacing all strains. and causing a pandemic in every country again

In June 2022, the first omicron subspecies BA.2.75 was found in India. It is currently spreading in India and has spread to 15 countries. We do not yet know if subspecies BA.2.75 will spread faster than subspecies BA.5, so it needs to be monitored closely.

worrisome is A mutated coronavirus that originated in two countries: South Africa and India. There is a chance to spread around the world over and over again.

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