
“No extreme dieting”… Hyuna → Sunmi and Uee, regained health by increasing dosage [엑’s 이슈]

(Xports News Reporter Myung Hee-sook) Female celebrities are attracting attention by choosing to increase their weight to regain their health in a society that pursues bone thinning.

Singer Hyuna appeared on MBC’s ‘Point of Omniscient Interfere’ broadcast on the 11th and confessed that she had been on an extreme diet in the past.

Hyuna revealed that she went on an extreme diet in the past and said, “I think I had a compulsion to be thin. In the past, when I filmed a commercial, I had to starve for a week, but now I can’t do that.”

Accordingly, Hyuna’s staff also mentioned Hyuna’s obsession with dieting in the past, saying, “I didn’t eat even when we were all eating together, and I ate a little bit of the food left over from the first meal. I ate a slice of pizza for two hours.” HyunA also added that she sometimes spent the day eating a piece of kimbap.

In response, Hyuna confessed that her health had deteriorated to the point where she collapsed more than twelve times a month. Currently, Hyuna revealed her story of choosing to gain weight, saying, “She was told by a university hospital that she would not lose weight if she gained weight. She has gained 8kg. I feel comfortable because she is much healthier.”

Sunmi, who is famous for her thin body, also appeared on an entertainment program in the past and revealed that she gained a whopping 9kg, saying, “I lost 1kg when I was promoting ‘Heroine’, but I thought I was going to die like this, so I gained 50kg.” Since then, Sunmi shows off her healthy body and is active on stage.

Actress Uee, who is from the group After School, also chose to increase her weight in order to escape her obsession with dieting.

Uee is loved as one of the celebrities with a strong body, so much so that she was famous for her nickname ‘honey-tucks’ in the past. In the past, he gained 8kg in weight due to yo-yoing after dieting, but he also revealed that he does not go on extreme diets to escape the compulsion.

Uee still shows a strong and healthy body and is active in several works including the KBS weekend drama ‘Hyoshim’s Life, Each Life’.

Photo = Xports News DB, MBC broadcast screen

Reporter Myung Hee-sook