
Nordic skiing = Olympic gold Wellinger misses Beijing at Corona | Reuters

Andreas Wellinger (pictured), who has won two gold medals in the winter Olympics ski jumping competition, tested positive for the new coronavirus on the 21st and may miss the Beijing Winter Olympics, which opens in February. It is emerging. Taken in February 2018 in Pyeongchang, South Korea (2022 Reuters / Eric Gaillard)

[Reuters]–Andreas Wellinger (26, Germany), who has won two gold medals in the ski jumping competition of the Winter Olympics, tested positive for the new coronavirus on the 21st, and Beijing opened in February. The possibility of missing the Winter Olympics has emerged.

Wellinger won the 2014 Sochi Olympics as a member of the men’s team. At the Pyeongchang Olympics in 2018, he won the men’s individual normal hill. He hurt his knee earlier this month, but was scheduled to return in the 16th World Cup individual round starting on the 21st.

Wellinger commented on social media that “the knee has recovered, but unfortunately the PCP test was positive.” “In other words, I was eager to come back, but I can’t jump this weekend, but so far everything is going well and I have to move forward.”