
North Korea Bans Fashionable Track by Kim Yeon-ja

This tune you simply heard is a really acquainted tune, proper? That is the singer Amor Celebration of Trot Kim Yeon-ja, who took Korea by storm just a few years in the past.

Is it as a result of the savory tune stirs the feelings of the Korean individuals? Kim Yeon-ja’s tune was additionally well-liked in North Korea.

He was so well-liked that he was the primary Korean singer to carry out solo in North Korea and even visited the villa of then Nationwide Protection Chairman Kim Jong-il.

Nonetheless, a ban on Kim Yeon-ja’s tune is alleged to have been introduced lately.

In keeping with what Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported citing a resident supply in North Hamgyong Province, Chairman of the Nationwide Protection Fee Kim Jong-un ordered, ‘Do not permit individuals to hearken to Kim Yon-ja’s songs or sing them. ‘

It is uncommon to particularly ban a singer’s identify like this. What is the motive?

North Korea adopted the Rejection of Reactionary Ideology and Tradition Act in 2020 to stop the inflow of South Korean tradition.

The evaluation is that Mr. Kim’s tune has unfold so extensively that robust stress has been taken.

[김용현 / 동국대학교 북한학과 교수 : 김연자 씨의 노래를 북측에서 북한 주민들이 많이 불렀고 특히 장년층이나 노년층에서 많이 불렀기 때문에 거기에 대해서 분명한 조치를 취하면서 남측 문화를 배격한다. 남북 관계에 대한 북측의 입장이 굉장히 단호하기 때문에 그것의 연장선상에서 주민들에게도 남북 관계를 적대 관계로 규정한다.이것을 좀 피부로 느끼게 하는 그런 차원에서 조치라고 봐야 되겠죠]

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