
Numerous dust devils, 4 square kilometers of dust soared by a gust.Latest Mars Rover Observed (June 3, 2022) –Excite News

NASA’s latest Mars rover, Perseverance, is landing and exploring the Jezero Crater on Mars. The latest research on the weather of Jezero Crater based on the data obtained between the landing of Perseverance and 216 Mars sol (1st of Mars) was announced. A study by Claire Newman and colleagues at Aeolis Research, a company founded by four planetary scientists to understand the planet’s atmosphere and climate system.

Numerous dust devils, 4 square kilometers of dust soared by a gust. Click here for the latest … image >>

This is the “Dust Devil” captured by Perseverance with Navcam (Navigation Camera) on July 20, 2021 (148 Mars Sun). A dust devil is a whirlwind that winds up dust, and has been observed by a rover that landed on Mars in the past.

Studies show that between the landing of Mars and 216 Mars sol, an average of at least four whirlwinds per Mars sol passed through Perseverance, more than 25% of which were dust devils with dust. We also found that one or more passes during the hour from noon during peak hours.

Perseverance isn’t the only one witnessed by dust devils. We also observed the phenomenon of dust being swirled up by gusts, as shown in this image, three times during the 216 Mars sol. This image captures the first observed phenomenon on June 18, 2021 (117 Mars sol). The phenomenon at this time was the largest of the three degrees, and a cloud of dust covering 4 square kilometers was formed. 4 square kilometers is equivalent to the area of ​​86 Tokyo Domes.


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