
One in three expects new elections in 2024

Given the great dissatisfaction with the traffic light government, many Germans expect new elections this year. The supporters of one party in particular believe in it.

According to a current survey, 36 percent of Germans believe that there will be new elections this year and not regular votes in 2025. This is the result of a study by the opinion research institute Ipsos. However, 43 percent of those surveyed consider new elections in 2024 to be unlikely; one in five citizens (21 percent) is unsure or does not want to provide any information.

Opinions differ depending on the voting behavior of those surveyed. AfD voters most often expect early elections; 53 percent of them believe that the government will not last until the actual election date in 2025. Almost half of those surveyed (48 percent) also believe this among the Union supporters. Only 27 percent of Left voters expect new elections this year, 24 percent of SPD voters and only 22 percent of Green voters.

FDP voters differ from the assessments of other voters from the traffic light parties: 42 percent of them believe that elections will take place as early as 2024.

The opinion research institute Ipsos surveyed 2,000 eligible voters between the ages of 18 and 75 in Germany. The survey was representatively weighted according to age, gender, education, region and voting behavior in the last federal election. The survey was conducted from January 5th to 7th, 2024.