
Partial solar eclipse in UAE

The Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Dubai has announced that due to the partial solar eclipse tomorrow, special prayers will be held in mosques across Dubai (Partial solar eclipse in UAE).

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A special prayer is held after Asr prayer in the evening. This was announced through social media. The last partial solar eclipse of 2022 will be visible in the UAE for two hours from 3pm.

Do not observe a solar eclipse without proper eye protection Authorities have warned that visibility in the south could be affected. As a partial solar eclipse is visible in Kuwait, schools have been declared a holiday on October 25 as per the instruction of the Ministry of Health. Kuwaiti astronomer Adel Al Sadoon announced that the eclipse will begin at 1:20 pm in Kuwait and end at 3:44 pm.

Story Highlights: Partial solar eclipse in UAE Why and how special prayers are offered

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