
Pat Napapa and Benz Racing Share Heartwarming Photo With Son After Years of Privacy

The Unveiling of a Rare Family Photo

Although not bound in matrimony, “Pat Napapa” and “Benz Racing” have ensured that their children are well taken care of, with both parties agreeing to share parental responsibilities. For many years, there had been no sightings of the young Benz couple with their son, Nong Racing. However, the long-awaited moment finally arrived recently, as a heartwarming image of father and son graced the public eye.

Today (12 November 2023), young Benz took to his personal Instagram @benzracing to reveal a rare photo of the couple with their son, accompanied by the caption, “Let’s compete shyly. Let’s do it.”

The dashing and striking resemblance between the father and son did not go unnoticed, causing fans to overflow with comments and praises.

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Although they are not husband and wife, they all take good care of their children between “Pat Napapa” and “Benz Racing” The couple have agreed to share the care of the children. There has been no photo of the young Benz couple with Nong Racing for many years. Recently, the day everyone has been waiting for has arrived. That’s a picture of father and son.

Today (12 November 2023) on the side of young Benz Post on personal Instagram @benzracing revealing a photo of the couple with their son. Along with the caption, he said, “Let’s compete shyly. Let’s do it.”

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Let me tell you, father and son are handsome and good looking. Also, the faces are identical from every angle. This event made the hearts of fans tremble with many comments and praises.

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