
Premier League | Manchester United announced that after hearing the 150 million termination fee of Projettinu, they will implement Tanshag as coach next season (16:28) – 20220407 – Sports – Instant News

The US media ESPN quoted sources as saying that after interviews with Manchester United executives, they believed that Tanshag was the best candidate to take over the job of caretaker manager Lan Leike next season. Although Pugetiano is also one of the potential candidates, but considering that the Argentine coach will only complete his contract with PSG next summer, the poaching involves a termination fee of up to 15 million pounds (about 154 million Hong Kong dollars), coupled with his poor record this season, Therefore, the Red Devils ultimately belong to Tanshag. In addition, Spain coach Angeliki and Seville coach Lu Bo Digu also included in the Red Devils shortlist.

Tanshag and Ajax’s contract expires next summer, but it is reported that the termination fee is only 1.7 million pounds (about 17.46 million Hong Kong dollars). The British “Daily Mail” stated that Manchester United had approached the Eredivisie powerhouse last week, hoping to implement Tanshag’s vote as soon as possible. However, Ajax is in the final sprint for the defending league, and Manchester United may not officially announce the appointment until the end of the season.

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