
Preparations for the 2023 annual literature review have begun, submit your books!

Burgas authors can send their works until October 31 (Tuesday) 2023 for participation in the traditional Annual Review of Literary Production, which takes place on the eve of the city’s holiday – Nicholas Day. Creators who wish to participate, who published books in the period November 2022 – until the end of October 2023, can send 5 of them to the address: Municipality of Burgas, 26 “Aleksandrovska” St., to the Deputy Mayor “Culture, Tourism and sport”, for participation in the Annual Review of Literary Production for 2023. The books must be wrapped or in an envelope, indicating the three names, address, telephone and e-mail of the sender. The traditional Annual Review of the Literary Production of Burgas Authors, organized by the Association “Burgas Writers’ Community” and the Municipality of Burgas, will take place on 1.12. (Friday) 2023 at the Writer’s House at 1 Vola Street. It will be opened at 10:00 a.m. with a report on prose, and at 2:00 p.m. a report on poetry will be given. After the exhibits, the audience will be able to ask questions to the critics and engage in discussion and debate on the reports. The culmination of the literary events will be the ceremony of awarding the Annual Literary Awards of the Municipality of Burgas. It will start at 18:00 in the lobby of the Burgas State Opera. The awards are the “Hristo Fotev” plaque for poetry and the “Petko Rosen” plaque for prose. Another award will be presented – a “Pegasus” plaque for a book in the field of poetry, fiction or literary criticism, which, according to the jury, has contributed to the enrichment of the Bulgarian literary tradition. The first “Pegasus” plaque was received in 1993 by Kerana Angelova – for prose, and the following year, 1994, Hristo Fotev became the first recipient of the “Golden Pegasus” award. The statuette “Golden Pegasus” and the three plaques are made by the artist Nencho Rusev, and the awardees receive them, accompanied by a diploma and a cash prize. The current rules for the Annual Literary Awards are to be updated and the working version with the changes in the statute is available on the website of the Municipality of Burgas. It has been approved by the Board of Directors of the Burgas Writers’ Community, and the deadline for additional corrections is currently running. You can send them to e-mail: until 30.10.2023. The changes in the statute will enter into force after its final adoption and it will be applicable to the awards in 2024. Photo: Lina Glavinova