
President 尹 “Why did you miss the integration into the inaugural address? It’s so natural.”

President Yoon Seok-yeol delivers a greeting at the inaugural celebration banquet held at the Rotender Hall of the National Assembly on the afternoon of the 10th. (President’s Office Photo Reporters) 2022.5.10/News 1

President Yoon Seok-yeol explained that ‘integration’ was not mentioned in his inaugural address, “because it’s too natural.”

President Yoon met reporters as he went to work at the presidential office in Yongsan, Seoul on the 11th and said, “Yesterday (10th), there was a point that the story of integration was omitted in the inaugural address.”

In the inaugural address the previous day, freedom was mentioned the most in a total of 35 times, including ‘liberal democracy’ and ‘free citizen’, and citizens (15 times), the people (15 times), the world (13 times), peace (12 times), and international ( 9) were mentioned. However, the ‘integration’ and ‘common sense’ that President Yoon emphasized during his presidential campaign were not mentioned in his inaugural address.

President Yoon said, “Unification means that our political process itself is a process of national unification. Please understand that.” He explained why integration was not mentioned in his inaugural address.

On this day, President Yoon, who first went to work at the Yongsan Oval Office from his own office in Seocho-dong, Seoul, said, “I have no special feelings when asked if I want to tell you how I feel about being the first president to commute to work in history.” I have to work.”

Reporter Dugaon