
President Yoon Seok-yeol Calls for Tax Regulation Improvements to Solve Korea Discount

(Seoul = Yonhap Infomax) Reporters Shin Yun-woo and Han Jong-hwa = President Yoon Seok-yeol announced on the 7th that improvements in tax regulations are necessary to solve the Korea discount problem, which refers to the undervaluation of the stock market Korea.

In a special interview with KBS that day, President Yoon was asked if the trend of deregulation, such as abolishing the financial investment income tax to solve Korea’s decline, will continue, and he said, “Of course.”

President Yoon said, “We must ensure that the people have adequate opportunities to build assets through the stock market. There is an opinion that capital and labour, and between companies and workers, is a class conflict, but when a company is developing, it is important to invest in the company’s stock.” “If workers can build assets, a lot of unnecessary class conflict can be reduced,” he explained.

He continued, “It is important to reduce Korea’s decline in order to build people’s assets,” and added, “Our country’s stock market is in line with global standards, and although our people are investing abroad, foreign capitalists are also be encouraged to invest domestically.” “To meet this, Korea’s discount has to be reduced,” he said.

President Yoon emphasized, “To that end, I think it is very important to get rid of regulations, especially the regulatory aspects of the tax system.”

President Yoon chose the low birth rate as a prestigious national task.

President Yoon said, “Among the constitutional responsibilities of the president, the most important one is to ensure the sustainability of the country,” and added, “We must come up with a plan to aim for a birth rate of 1.0. We invested a lot of money and made efforts for 20 years, but it was ineffective.” “He pointed out the fact.

He said, “This time, we intend to share the specific structural and policy parts for the effective operation of the Low Birth Rate and Aging Society Committee to produce tangible results.”

He also said, “I think our society is caught up in excessive and unnecessary competition,” and “We need to put a little more emphasis on family and live with values ​​based on humanism. I try to approach it from that perspective, and I think balanced local development is one of them.” “I do,” he added.

President Yoon Seok-yeol, KBS special talk (Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Jin Seong-cheol = President Yoon Seok-yeol has a talk with KBS anchor Park Jang-beom at KBS’s ‘Special Talk Visit to the President’s Office’ and held at the Presidential Office Building in Yongsan, Seoul on the 4th, 2024.2.7[대통령실 제공. 재판매 및 DB 금지]


This article was published at 22:40 on the Infomax financial information terminal.

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