
President Yoon Seok-yeol’s Plans to Boost Biotechnology and Organic Industry in South Korea

During a debate on people’s livelihoods held 15 days before the general election, President Yoon Seok-yeol said, “To prepare for the next pandemic, we must secure mRNA vaccine technology to protect the technological sovereignty of vaccines,” and said: “We will significantly expand research and development investments in the cutting-edge organic sector starting next year.” Yes.

President Yoon held the 24th People’s Livelihood Debate at the Dongbu Warehouse in Cheongju, northern Chungcheong Province this afternoon, and said: “While a great transition is underway with cutting-edge biotechnology that combines artificial intelligence and digital, the door to great opportunities is opening for us.”

At the same time, the goal was to increase the domestic production scale of the organic industry from 43 trillion won in 2020 to 200 trillion won in 2035.

President Yoon further stated, “We will strive to ensure that advanced biotechnology can drive the innovation and competitiveness of other industries,” and added, “We will convert 30% of the petrochemical-based materials industry into biological”.

In particular, he said: “We will make North Chungcheong Province a leading base for high-tech bio-based industry,” and also presented a plan to turn the Osong Bio Cluster into a Korean version of the “Boston Cluster.”

President Yoon said, “On the 20th, the government increased the number of medical schools in North Chungcheong Region by 211 students from 89 to 300,” and added, “The increase in the number of doctors will in local and essential medical care and will conduct Research and development in parallel contribute greatly to the development of cutting-edge biotechnology.” “We will do our best,” he underlined.

President Yoon said: “We will also significantly expand Chungbuk’s tourism and transportation infrastructure”, supporting investment funds for the “East-West Route”, expanding the domestic passenger terminal of Cheongju International Airport, the subway between Cheonan and Cheongju Airport and speeding up the transportation Chungbuk Line from Cheongju Airport to Jecheon. We promised to speed up the process.

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