
Preventing Cervical Cancer: The Importance of HPV Vaccines

Vaccination and Early Detection Crucial to Prevent Cervical Cancer

Every 2 hours, 1 Thai woman succumbs to cervical cancer, making it the second most common type of cancer among women in Thailand. With nearly 10,000 new cases reported annually, the National Vaccine Institute is urging the public to take preventive measures by getting vaccinated to avoid HPV infection, a leading cause of cervical cancer.

World Immunization Day 2023: Building Immunity and Preventing Disease

On November 10th, 2023, the Institute of Vaccines for the People and the National Vaccine Institute, along with their network agencies, will host a special lecture focusing on “Joining forces to build immunity and prevent disease: Lifelong immunization.” The event aims to highlight the importance of vaccines for people of all ages as part of World Immunization Day 2023.

Professor Dr. Kulkanya Chokingpack, an adviser in the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, shed light on the alarming statistics related to cervical cancer. She emphasized that, after breast cancer, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in Thai women, resulting in 4,705 deaths and 9,158 new cases each year. The economic impact of treating cervical cancer ranges from 300,000 to 2.4 million baht per person, depending on the disease’s stage and treatment method.

According to Professor Dr. Kulkanya, cervical cancer is primarily caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), with over 200 known strains and at least 40 affecting the genital organs. She highlighted that the virus can remain undetected in the body for over a decade, leading to abnormal cell growth and various cancers, including tumors of the larynx, genital warts, and cervical cancer.

To prevent cervical cancer, Professor Dr. Kulkanya recommended two key methods: vaccination to prevent HPV infection and regular Pap smear tests for early detection and treatment. She emphasized the safety and efficacy of the HPV vaccine, recommending its administration before the onset of sexual activity and advocating for its inclusion in routine immunization programs for children aged 9-26.

“The HPV vaccine has been proven safe, with 500 million doses administered globally. It should be administered before the onset of sexual activity to achieve optimal results, especially targeting the 11-12 age group and all sexes. Following vaccination, regular cancer screening tests are still necessary,” Professor Dr. Kulkanya emphasized.

Related news:

  • Kick off 1 million doses of the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer within 100 days
  • Understanding the Importance of HPV Vaccination for Men to Prevent Cervical Cancer

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Every 2 hours, 1 Thai woman dies. “Cervical cancer” nearly 10,000 new patients a year, National Vaccine Institute Invitation to be vaccinated to prevent HPV infection

On 10 November 2023, the Institute of Vaccines for the People and the National Vaccine Institute together with network agencies Organize a special lecture on World Immunization Day 2023 under the concept of “Joining forces to build immunity and prevent disease: Lifelong immunization, ” when vaccines are important for all ages. “

Professor Dr. Kulkanya Choking pack Adviser of the Department of Infectious Diseases Department of Paediatrics Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital and President of the Association of Pediatric Communicable Diseases of Thailand Lecture on the topic Cervical cancer HPV vaccine that cervical cancer is the second most common type of cancer in Thai women. After breast cancer, every 2 hours, 1 Thai woman dies from cervical cancer. Which is the second most common cancer after breast cancer. There are 4,705 deaths per year, or 13 people per day, and 9,158 new patients per year, or 25 people per day. In terms of economic losses, the cost of treating cervical cancer for one person ranges from 300,000 to 2.4 million baht, depending on the stage of the disease and the method of treatment.

Professor Dr Kulkanya Talks about the important causes of cervical cancer. that cervical cancer It is caused by the HPV virus (Human Papilloma Virus), of which there are more than 200 species, of which at least 40 infect the genital organs. At least 13 types of cancer cause cancer. and many more species Causes genital warts Contact by direct contact with the genitals. or just sex Even condoms are not completely protective against the HPV virus. After infection there will be no symptoms. The virus can hide in the body for more than 10 years, but it can cause abnormal cells and cause cancer and various diseases such as

Tumors of the larynx and respiratory system, genital warts, abnormal cervical cells Mouth and throat cancer Penile cancer Rectal cancer Cervical cancer Female genital cancer

To prevent cervical cancer Professor Dr Kulkanya said there are two methods: 1. Vaccination to prevent HPV infection and 2. Periodic internal examinations Do a Pap smear test If early lesions are found, destroy them quickly The vaccine protects against cancer smear Before the strain contained in the vaccine, there are 3 types.

Two vaccines (16, 18) protect against 70 percent of cancers. Four vaccines (6, 11, 16, 18) prevent 70 percent of cancers and 90 percent of genital warts. Nine vaccines (6, 11 , 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58) prevent 95 percent of cancer and 90 percent of genital warts.

“The HPV vaccine is safe and 500 million doses have been given worldwide. It should be injected before commencing sexual intercourse to give the best results Children aged 9-26 should receive this vaccine, focusing on the 11-12 age group and should be injected by all sexes. Because at a young age there will be a high immune response. After the injection, you still need to have a standard cancer screening test.” Professor Dr. Kulkanya emphasizes

Read related news:

Kick off 1 million doses of the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer in 100 days.

Why should men get the HPV vaccine? This virus is not the only cause of cervical cancer.

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