
Prime Minister Han Deok-soo Addresses Economy Growth and Government Policies in National Assembly Government Question

Questions to the government regarding the economy

Prime Minister Han “Growing Significantly Higher Among Advanced Countries”

Deputy Prime Minister Choi Sang-mok said: “I did my best to save the situation.”

Prime Minister Han Deok-soo answers a question from Democratic Party of Korea member Kim Tae-nyeon during a government question at the National Assembly on the 23rd. [사진=연합뉴스]

On the 23rd, Prime Minister Han Deok-soo said that the Korean economy grew by 1.4% last year, and said, “We have done a good job in our own way.” Considering the global high interest rate situation, the growth rate was estimated to not be that low.

Kim Tae-nyeon, a member of the Democratic Party of Korea, asked Prime Minister Han during a government question on the economy at the National Assembly today: “What do you think of last year’s poor economic growth rate of to 1.4?” %?” To this, Prime Minister Han responded: “Among the advanced group countries, we have grown quite high” and “I think we have done well despite the high interest rates.”

Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Gyeong-hyeop also asked Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Strategy and Finance Choi Sang-mok with a similar purpose: “What is the economic performance of the Yoon Seok-yeol government?” Deputy Prime Minister Choi responded that it was difficult to give a rating, then added: “When the Yoon administration was launched, it was an unprecedented complex global crisis,” and added: “We are working together with the people to do our best.” to prevent it.”

Congressman Kim further pointed out, “There are fears that Korea is falling into a low-growth quagmire. Is there a solution?” In this regard, Deputy Prime Minister Choi said: “Rather than growth rate indicators, we are doing our best to ensure price stability and focus our capabilities on various policies to revitalize domestic demand so that the people’s lives and livelihoods may be affected”.

Questions were also asked on the day about government cuts to the research and development (R&D) budget. Regarding the R&D budget cut, People Power Party lawmaker Kim Geun-tae pointed out: “There are concerns that research continuity and budget predictability in the science and technology community have been hindered.” . Lee Jong-ho, Minister of Science and ICT, responded: “There are inevitably (cuts) in the process of losing fat and gaining muscle mass.”

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