
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh answers the question ‘Why am I Prime Minister?’

Besides that help and luck, the Prime Minister did not forget to mention the Party, State and people, because “without the Party, the State, without the people there would be no us”.

“I can prove this right away. Without the Party and State, how could a poor student in a mountainous area like me go to study abroad,” the Prime Minister shared emotionally.

He said that after returning from school, he was assigned work by the Party and State and always received dedicated help from his brothers and teammates. And he did not betray that heart, he tried to do a good job.

“Finally, I was entrusted with this responsibility by the Party and State. The Party, State and people have trusted me and I must try harder. Previously I tried one, now I have to try 10 to practice my bravery. capacity building,” the Prime Minister said and emphasized solidarity throughout the political system.

According to him, the prime minister’s responsibility is to work with other key leaders to find the best solution to develop the country.

The policy has been oriented since the 13th Party Congress, determining the major goal that by 2030, Vietnam will become a developing country with a modern industry, overcome the low-middle income trap, and by 2045 become a developing country with a modern industry. developed countries with high income. The point is to overcome difficulties and challenges together.

The most important goal mentioned by the Prime Minister is to contribute to building a strong and prosperous Vietnam and the Vietnamese people to be happy and prosperous.

Vietnamese people in New Zealand applauded after listening to the Prime Minister’s sincere sharing (Photo: Doan Bac).

To do this, he emphasized the need for proper leadership of the Party, headed by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, often directly by the Politburo, the Secretariat and the participation of the entire political system. the help of the business community and people, along with the contribution of international friends.

“This question is difficult to answer. I say whatever I say, not in a beautiful or formal way. I wonder if you are satisfied with what I said?”, the Prime Minister asked Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh again.

The entire hall, after a moment of silence, erupted in applause after hearing the answer of the head of the Vietnamese Government.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh said the reason she wanted to ask that question was because she admired the Prime Minister’s friendliness. And his answer showed sincerity.

“I like a saying that we cannot choose where we are born, nor can we choose our parents, and for the Prime Minister’s sincere sharing, I feel very grateful. I hope we all Everyone sitting here has the same ideology and attitude to life as the Prime Minister, always doing all assigned work with responsibility for others before themselves,” Ms. Minh said.

Hoai Thu (From Wellington, New Zealand)