
Professor Bertin for 74 days in a studio in the sea… I came as ‘Sewol Ferry Diving Team’


Living in a ‘2.7 pyeong’ capsule, achieving the ‘longest record’
At the time of the Sewol Ferry Disaster, a US diving team visited Korea
The thing I miss the most is “watching the sunrise”


An American professor who suffered alone for 74 days without water pressure control in a confined capsule in the sea set the record for the longest underwater life. The professor is known as a person who visited Korea as a member of the US diving team at the time of the Sewol ferry disaster in 2014, and is becoming a hot topic.

According to foreign media such as the Associated Press on the 14th (local time), American diving expert and university associate professor Joseph D. Touri has been staying for 74 days in a submerged capsule at a depth of 30 feet (about 9.1 m) in marine park in Florida.

The capsule where D.Turi lives is about 2.7 pyeong (9㎡). It has a bed, toilet, desk, etc., and has a window that allows you to look out to sea.

The reason why D.Turi jumped into this challenge is to find information that astronauts who are preparing to explore Mars will need. It is also intended to monitor how the body responds to prolonged exposure to extreme pressure.


He said he cooks eggs and salmon in a microwave oven inside the capsule and pushes up every day. I also take a nap of about an hour. He also continues to communicate with the outside world, such as conducting biomedical lectures to 2,500 college students through online classes.

Also, D’Turi explains that he does not stop setting new records and continues to challenge himself by living underwater for 100 days, the goal he set when he entered’ the sea for the first time on March 1st.

However, Daturi said she likes living under the sea, but said one thing she misses is “watching the sunrise.” “When I was out of the water, what I miss the most is literally the sun, and the sun is important to my life,” he told The Associated Press. “I usually go to the gym at 5am and watch the sunrise. “

Meanwhile, D. Touri’s ‘record of 74 days’ is said to be the longest record, surpassing the 73 days, 2 hours and 34 minutes set by two other teachers in the same place in 2014. This record is based on non-military non-military civilians living without water pressure regulators.

Reporter Kim Se-rin,