
Public transport union “Continues to struggle to maintain and expand safe fare system”

[사진제공 : 연합뉴스]

Today, the day after the general strike was called by the Korea Cargo Workers Union, members of the Public Transport Workers Union held a rally and demanded the continuation and expansion of the safe fare system.

The Korean Confederation of Public Transport Workers’ Union held a resolution rally today at 2:00 pm in Yeouido, Seoul, arguing in favor of “a secure ticket system and condemning the Yoon Seok-yeol government for destroying the union.”

They said, “The regime of Yoon Seok-yeol and the power of the people broke the law and the promises, and the National Assembly used public livelihood as a tool for political struggle.”

Lee Bong-joo, head of the cargo union, said, “The cargo union temporarily stopped fighting to protect the precarious logistics industry and reduce the damage and injuries to cargo workers,” he said.

This decision rally was the first rally held after returning to the site yesterday, and about 1,000 people, according to the organizers’ estimate, were present.

The cargo union has been on a general strike since the 24th of last month, demanding the abolition of the safe sunset price system and the expansion of eligible items.