
Putin Blames Radical Islam for Attack in Ukraine

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Once again Russian President Vladimir Putin raised doubts that Ukraine was behind the terrorist attack in a concert hall near Moscow, saying that it was the work of radical Islamists, but that it was important who ordered the attack.

“We know that this crime was committed by the hands of radical Islamists, with whom the Islamic world has been fighting ideologically for centuries,” President Putin said at a counter-terrorism meeting in the concert hall of the Hall of Crocus City on the 25th local time.

“The terrorist attack was part of an attack on Russia by the Ukrainian regime,” he said, emphasizing that we need to know why the terrorists tried to flee to Ukraine.

Correspondent Goo Harim

Terrorist attack #Moscow #Putin #Islamist #Shooting terrorist attack

Yonhap News TV article inquiries and reports: KakaoTalk/Line jebo23


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