
Quarantine guidelines must be strictly adhered to: Instructed by the Dubai Health Authority

Dubai: The Dubai Health Authority has advised people to strictly follow the quarantine guidelines. The recommendation is to stay in the quarantine for 10 days from the time Kovid is positive. Isolation can be stopped if the symptoms completely disappear without medication for the last 3 days, officials said. Kovid patients can prevent the spread of the virus by ingesting isolation.

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If at home, stay in the quarantine for 14 days. There should be a separate room for those staying in the quarantine. No one else should use their toilet. Care should be taken to wash the clothes yourself. Visitors should be avoided and instructions from DHA officials should be followed. Quarantine can be discontinued on the 14th day if the symptoms completely disappear. Wearing a 3 layer mask full time will reduce the risk of infection. Officials said hands should be washed and disinfected frequently.

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