
Rescue Mission for Trapped Workers Delayed as Drilling Stopped Again

Delays in Tunnel Rescue Mission

Rescue efforts for the 41 workers trapped in a tunnel in Uttarakhand are facing unexpected obstacles, resulting in a halt in drilling operations. The workers have been trapped for 13 days, and the mission is experiencing setbacks in its final stages.

Drilling operations, which were anticipated to resume, did not proceed as scheduled, further prolonging the rescue efforts. Reports indicate that the auger machine responsible for the drilling was relocated from the tunnel, with experts exploring alternative methods for removing debris without mechanical assistance.

Previous attempts to advance the rescue mission on Thursday were met with difficulties, as a 25-tonne concrete platform collapsed, causing damage to the impact machine and disrupting drilling operations. Following repairs to the platform and the drilling equipment, drilling resumed only to be halted again due to minor tremors.

Further complications arose as officials confirmed damage to the iron drill pipe and auger machine, necessitating the cutting of a bent pipe to continue drilling. Ground-penetrating radar tests indicated a clear path for the next five meters, providing a glimmer of hope amidst the challenges.

Colonel Deepak Patil, overseeing the mission, highlighted the potential for completing drilling within six to seven hours if no further obstacles arise. Meanwhile, disaster management personnel successfully conducted an exercise to evacuate the trapped workers using a rescue tube and wheeled stretcher.

Union Minister VK Singh arrived at the site to assess the on-going rescue operations, reaffirming the government’s commitment to the mission.

Drilling stopped again

Uttarkashi: The mission to rescue 41 workers trapped in a tunnel in Uttarakhand is delayed due to unexpected obstacles in the last leg. Drilling had not resumed last night. 13 days have passed since the workers were enslaved.

It is reported that the auger machine that did the drilling was moved out of the tunnel yesterday. Experts also check whether the debris can be removed without mechanical assistance.

Thursday’s mission ended after the 25-tonne concrete platform anchored by the impact machine collapsed and the iron drill pipe fell into the iron frame. When the tunnel collapsed, the machine hit an iron frame and hit the ground. The damage to the platform was repaired and the machine repaired. The experts penetrated the rescue pipe and removed the obstruction by cutting the iron frame with a gas cutter. The impact of the impact damaged the auger’s drilling blade. Unplug and fix the problem. Drilling resumed on Thursday afternoon but was halted again due to minor tremors. Meanwhile, the Uttarakhand government officially announced yesterday that the drilled iron pipe has been bent and the auger machine has been damaged again. About two meters of bent pipe had to be cut into small pieces. The remains can only be reached after drilling about 10 meters. There has been little progress in the mission since Thursday.

But the ground-penetrating radar test revealed that there are no obstacles in the next five meters, officials said.

If drilling resumes, two or three more iron pipes will have to be drilled. Colonel Deepak Patil, who is in charge of the mission, said that if there were no new obstacles, the drilling would be completed in six to seven hours, including the welding of the pipes.

Meanwhile, the disaster management personnel completed the exercise of evacuating the workers through the rescue tube on a wheeled stretcher.

Union Minister VK Singh reached the spot yesterday. He entered the tunnel and assessed the rescue operations.

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