
RTX 4090 overclocking expected to be resolved? The latest document leaks, the design of 16-Pin interface will be changed, mainly to strengthen the installation and support

Recently, the 16-pin power supply interface of NVIDIA’s new generation RTX 4090 graphics card has been burned out, which has caused a lot of discussion among netizens.

According to the latest news from foreign media, the PCI-SIG organization is considering modifying and strengthening the 16-pin 12VHPWR interface, but it is still in the research stage and plans to complete the review before December 6. In according to the leaked documents, PCI-SIG has designed two new reinforcement schemes, mainly around the separate 4-pin signal line, adding more protection and support around the socket and plug to make the connection more stable. However, the remaining 12-pin lines are completely unchanged, that is, if there is too high a current, the risk of burning still exists.

Corsair power supply expert Jon Gerow notes that the burn can be as simple as not plugging in tightly, leaving a gap between the plug and the socket. As can be seen in these two pictures, the first one is completely unplugged, and the plug can even be seen from the outside, while the second one is correctly inserted and ‘to insert fully. However, some netizens soon questioned it, saying that their connectors were plugged in too tightly and kept burning.