
Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party’s Ministerial Potential and Experience: Thanakorn’s Confidence in Settha 1/1 Cabinet

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May 4, 2024 5:11 pm

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Thanakorn Wangboonkhongchana believes that all ministers in the Settha 1/1 cabinet have potential, even if they are new and young, but they have knowledge and experience, having worked in the industry for a long time. Confident that the RTA party ministers will continue to work until there are clear results.

On May 4, 2024, Mr. Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana, Member of Parliament from the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party (RTA), gave an interview in which he stated After the adjustment of the new government, He believes that every minister has the potential and experience to work. Ready to get on with the work for the people immediately and without interruption. Due to the suffering of the people and the country, we cannot wait. When asked about this cabinet reshuffle, there will be many new and young ministers. Thanakorn said that although many ministers are new, they are considered such generations who have the skills, abilities and experience in the legislative branch as an MP and have been working in the sector for a long time. It is believed that this strength can be used in administrative work. Personally, I am confident that all ministers of the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party Both Mr. Peeraphan Saleerathaviphak, Deputy Prime Minister and Energy Minister and all ministers Ready to get on with the job As a governing coalition party to ensure continuity and achieve clear and concrete results. To help alleviate suffering and solve people’s problems efficiently.

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