
Russia continues to attack; Third round of peace talks today

On the twelfth day of the Russia-Ukraine war. Resisting from the beginning, the Russian army continued to shell and attack Kharkiv, the southern city of Mariupol, besieging the cities of Sumi. Meanwhile, the third round of Russia-Ukraine peace talks will take place today.

Russia has also intensified bombings in the city of Irpin. The town is close to the strategic Hostomel Airport. Nearby is a convoy of Russian troops advancing on Kia. Ukrainian forces demolished bridges in Irp to prevent Russian advance.

In Kiev, Ukrainian troops tightened resistance by building trenches and closing roads. Shelling is severe in nearby areas. Sandbags and concrete slabs lined the main road. More than 2,000 people took to the streets with national flags in protest of Russian troops entering the southern city of Nova Kakovka.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Selensky has said that Russian forces are preparing to attack the southern city of Odessa, surrounded by Kharkiv, Mikhailov, Cherniv and Sumi. Russia is reportedly moving to attack the central Ukrainian city of Nipro.

Ukraine has again called on Western nations to tighten sanctions against Russia. Fighter planes and weapons were also requested to be delivered. U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has said he plans to bring a fighter jet from Poland. The Russian government has reportedly stepped up measures to deal with the severe economic crisis caused by the sanctions.