
Russia, Donbass onslaught… “Possibility of declaring Putin ‘all-out war'”


It is known that the Russian army continues to attack the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine every day, but has failed to capture three targeted areas.

Russian President Putin is expected to drop the term ‘special military operation’ and declare a ‘all-out war’ when the offensive is at a stalemate.

Correspondent Kim Ji-soo.


Fighting continues as Russian forces focus their attack on Donbas in eastern Ukraine.

Ukraine was attacked by Russia in the Donbass region, but

<올렉산드르 슈푸툰 / 우크라이나 총참모부 대변인> “The enemy is bombarding civilian and military facilities deep in Ukraine’s territory, border areas and our troops deployed along the confrontation line with missiles from the air.”

He claimed that he failed to obtain the three targeted locations, including Riemann in Donetsk.

The Russian artillery, in particular, hit 389 Ukrainian targets, but was not known to pass the defenses.

Russian forces are also continuing their attacks in other areas, the Ukrainian military said after a Russian missile hit the southern Odessa airport, damaging the runway and making it unusable.

The Russian military also conducted air strikes in southern Mariupol, where the Azoustal Works, where Ukrainian troops and civilians were evacuated, were heavily hit.

In the midst of this, the Russian Foreign Ministry insisted that the lifting of sanctions against Russia in the West was part of the negotiations, saying that peace negotiations are being held every day, albeit with difficulty.

The Ukrainian side then dismissed it as not true at all.

As the war failed to emerge from a stalemate, it was predicted that Russian President Putin might drop the term ‘special military operation’ and declare a ‘all-out war’.

British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said that Putin is likely to issue a national mobilization order in the coming weeks.

This is Kim Ji-soo from Yonhap News.

#Special military operation #All-out war #Donbath_Battle

Yonhap News TV Article Inquiries and Reports: KakaoTalk/Line jebo23

Report on Kakao Talk okjebo
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2022/05/01 15:30 Send