
Russian Cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko Achieves World Record for Time Spent in Space

Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko broke the world record for cumulative time spent in space at 11:30:08 am on the 4th (Moscow time). / Reuters News 1

Who has spent the most time in space? Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko (59) broke the world record for the cumulative time spent in space, Tass news agency reported on the 4th (local time).

According to the media, Kononenko, a member of the Russian Federal Space Agency Roscosmos, set the record for the longest flight at 11:30:08 Moscow time. The time spent in space was more than 878 days, 11 hours, 29 minutes and 48 seconds.

Kononenko’s first spaceflight was in 2008, and he set a new record by performing a total of five spacewalks. The mission was extended by six months due to a coolant leak from the Soyuz spacecraft heading to Earth from the ISS.

It is currently carrying out its mission in the International Space Station (ISS), approximately 423 km from Earth. In an interview with the media, he said, “I didn’t fly into space to set a record, but to do what I love the most. I’m even more proud that a Russian cosmonaut continues to hold the record for the longest. cumulative time in space.” he did

Kononenko’s previous record was held by Russian cosmonaut Gendani Padalka between 1998 and 2015. The record for longest time in space at one time is 371 days, set by Frank Rubio of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) on September 27 last year.

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