
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Rudenko Visits South Korea Amid Diplomatic Tensions

[Newyddion Seoul Yonhap]Amid deepening diplomatic tensions between South Korea and Russia, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Rudenko (responsible for the Asia-Pacific region) visited South Korea on the 2nd and held a series of meetings with high-ranking officials from the South. Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The department reported on the 4th.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Rudenko = (TASS = Yonhap News)

Rudenko met with Kim Hong-gyun, first vice minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and also spoke with Jeong Byung-won, assistant minister of the same ministry. They discussed international issues such as the war in Ukraine as well as ongoing issues between the two countries.

South Korea expressed a harsh view of military cooperation between Russia and North Korea, and urged Russia to take responsible action. He also asked for cooperation to ensure that the rights and interests of Korean citizens and Korean companies in Russia are not violated.

Kim Gon, head of the Korean Peninsula Peace Talks Headquarters, which is responsible for North Korean affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also held talks with Rudenko. Mr Kim expressed the position of the South Korean government that it is completely opposed to military cooperation with Russia and North Korea, which threatens the security of the Korean Peninsula and Europe, and called on Russia to comply with its obligations set out in the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council .

Rudenko’s visit to South Korea is attracting attention because it happened on the same day that the media reported that a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia had criticized President Yun Seok-Yeol’s comments regarding North Korea.

At the Central Integrated Defense Council on the 31st of last month, President Yun said of the North Korean regime, “The only irrational group in the world that has enacted the first use of nuclear weapons.” Regarding this, Russia’s TASS news agency reported on the 2nd that Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zakharova criticized President Yoon’s comments as “blatant prejudice.”

On the 3rd, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea summoned the Russian Ambassador to South Korea Zinoviev to protest over Speaker Zakharova’s comments. The department told Zinoviev, “It is a matter of great regret that, while turning his back on the truth, he unconditionally defended the North and criticized the comments of a country’s leader with disrespectful words.” This type of behavior is contrary to South Korea, Russia, and Russia He stressed that this would only worsen relations.

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