
Samsung Electronics is celebrating its 53rd anniversary today… Slow down the event and take it slow

Samsung Electronics is celebrating its 53rd anniversary on the 1st.

Although it was the first anniversary of the foundation since Chairman Lee Jae-yong took office, we decided to reduce the event significantly and spend it in a quiet atmosphere considering the mourning period for the Itaewon disaster.

Samsung Electronics held a founding ceremony in Suwon, Gyeonggi-do on the morning of the same day with the presence of CEO Han Jong-hee, head of DX division (vice president) and head of DS division Kye-hyeon Kyong-hyeon (president) in present .

It is known that Chairman Lee Jae-yong will not attend the founding anniversary event as in previous years and will not send a separate message.

Chairman Lee previously posted a video message in 2019 to celebrate its 50th anniversary, saying, “Let’s create a ‘100-year company’ that will be passed on to future generations through challenges, technology and coexistence. ” I have never sent a message to or attended a memorial event.

Before the event, Samsung Electronics plans to mourn the victims of the Itaewon disaster and hold a silent tribute.

Initially, an internal club performance was scheduled, but it was completely canceled, and only the announcement of the CEO’s basic memorial speech, a commemorative video screening, and the decision to reward employees quietly.

Vice Chairman Han and President Kyung are known to emphasize innovation, customer focus, and sustainable management through the memorial speech.

The two CEOs sent a message of condolence to the company’s bulletin board the day before, saying, “I would like to express my deepest sympathy to all who have lost valuable family members and acquaintances.”

Meanwhile, Samsung Electronics started as ‘Samsung Electronics Industry Co, Ltd.’ on January 13, 1969, but after merging with Samsung Semiconductor Telecom in November 1988, the founding anniversary was changed to November 1.

/happy news