
Sayuri Deletes Video After Revealing Anecdote of Sexual Harassment by Senior Singer

Sayuri, a broadcaster who revealed an anecdote about being sexually harassed by a senior singer 10 years ago, deleted the video containing her comments as speculation continued about the singer.

Sayuri said in an article posted on her YouTube channel today (18th), “In some of the comments made in this video, many viewers refer to different people, but these are people who have no what to do with my comments.”

He added, “I sincerely apologize to all those mentioned and to the viewers for causing confusion and inconvenience with my misleading comments.”

Sayuri previously said on her YouTube channel that she was sexually harassed by a senior singer about 10 years ago, and said, “I still get angry when I see that person singing on TV.”

Narration: AI anchor Y-GO

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