
Scientists find “female crocodile has her own baby” despite not having contact with man for 16 years : PPTVHD36

Scientists report the first case of a female crocodile. who can give birth to children despite being alone and not being close to the male for 16 years

Scientists report the first case of an American crocodile (Sharp crocodile) females who can “Birth a child without a match” (Virgin Birth) Despite being alone and not being in close contact with the man for about 16 years.

The crocodile had been alone in Parque Reptilandia Costa Rica since he was two years old in 2002. Suddenly, in January 2018, zookeepers left. A total of 14 crocodile eggs were found in the cage, but the eggs were not this is hatching.

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A strange story! The only gibbons in the cage, but then she became pregnant.

said researchers This phenomenon is called “Parthenogenesis Parthenogenesis Or increase the number of organisms by using only egg cells to develop into embryos without fertilization with sperm. It is generally found in some plants and animals. especially insects

Parthenogenesis in this crocodile is only occasional asexual reproduction (Facultative Parthenogenesis) which has previously only been reported in birds, fish, lizards and snakes, and is the first half to occur in crocodiles.

The researchers studied the embryo in the egg. It was found to be in perfect condition, not dead, just not yet hatched.

A 99.9% match between the heart tissue of the baby crocodile in the egg and the cells from the mother crocodile’s skin confirmed that the young crocodile hatches only from the mother and not from the father.

Dr. Warren Booth from Virginia Tech University in the United States who has studied parthenogenesis for more than 10 years, said he was not surprised by the findings.

“We found this in sharks, birds, snakes and lizards, and it’s very common and widespread,” said Dr Booth.

he thought The reason why parthenogenesis has not been reported before in crocodiles is that people have not found any specimens of them. “There has been a dramatic increase in the number of reports of parthenogenesis when people started breeding snakes. But the average shepherd does not raise a crocodile.”

say researchers These findings may show that the crocodile’s ancestor in the past as a dinosaur may have the ability to self-reproduce in this way as well

Asexual reproduction is sometimes possible. Indeed, it is a rare thing. But it is thought to occur when certain organisms are exposed to challenging or adverse conditions, such as environmental stressors. or being without a partner

Dr Booth said that one theory is that parthenogenesis can occur in some organisms. (with the ability to reproduce asexually on their own) when their populations decrease and may be close to extinction And this may have happened to some species of dinosaurs when their numbers decreased due to changes in the environment .

“The fact that the mechanism of parthenogenesis is the same across many species shows that it is an ancient trait that has been passed down through the ages. This supports the idea that dinosaurs could also reproduce this way,” Booth said.

Compiled by the BBC/The Guardian

Image from AFP