
Secretary Blinken Emphasizes Need for Lasting Peace in the Middle East During Visit to Israel

They also emphasized the need for ways to guarantee peace, such as the establishment of eight independent states, Foreign media such as Reuters said that the US Secretary of State, Tony Blinken, who is on a tour of the Middle East, met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the 9th (local time) and stressed the need to avoid additional civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip.

A spokesman for the US State Department, Matthew Miller, said that Secretary Blinken also reaffirmed to Prime Minister Netanyahu his support for Israel in its efforts to prevent a situation like the surprise attack by Hamas from happening again on October 7 last year.

He continued, “Secretary Blinken reaffirmed the need for a plan to ensure lasting and sustainable peace in the region, including the establishment of a Palestinian state.”

Secretary Blinken visited Turkey, Greece, Jordan, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Saudi Arabia starting on the 6th to prevent the spread of war, and then visited Israel on this day.

This is my fourth visit to Israel in the three months since the start of the war.

Despite Secretary Blinken’s repeated visits, civilian casualties and humanitarian crises in the Gaza Strip have not abated, and the level of conflict between Israel and Hezbollah is actually increasing.

In addition to Prime Minister Netanyahu, Secretary Blinken met separately with President Yitzhak Herzog and the new Foreign Minister Israel Katz.

He also met with members of the war cabinet formed after the start of the war with Hamas.

Previously, Secretary Blinken announced his intention to share with Israel the views of the Middle East leaders he heard during this trip and discuss the future direction of the war.

/happy news

#Blinken #urges #Netanyahu #avoid #additional #civilian #casualties #Gaza