
Self-employed people “deleted the delivery app”… Voice of boycott of ‘single delivery’


‘Single delivery’, which delivers only one item at a time, is the trend these days for food delivery. However, recently, when delivery apps raise this ‘single delivery fee’, the self-employed are protesting, even mentioning a ‘boycott’. Some self-employed people have deleted the app because they could not overcome the burden of delivery fees.

Correspondent Kim Young-min.


Deok-hyeon Yoo, who runs a restaurant in Sillim-dong, Seoul, has deleted all delivery apps.

[유덕현/김치찌개 가게 운영 : 배달을 이제 끊은 거죠. 한 2년 정도 운영을 하다가 도저히 손익 계산을 따져보니까 크게 수익하고는 돈이 안 돼서 이제 접게 된 거죠.]

The increase in dissatisfaction with the delivery cost of the self-employed is attributable to the increase in orders for ‘single delivery’, which only deliver food from one restaurant.

Even if you pay more for delivery, you can get your food quickly, which is why many consumers prefer it.

The problem is that the delivery fee paid by restaurant owners has also increased.

Moreover, the dissatisfaction of the self-employed has increased over the recent changes in the delivery policies of delivery apps.

There were even voices calling for a boycott of ‘single gun delivery’.

In the past, you paid up to 6,000 won per delivery, but now you pay 6% of the cost of food in addition to the minimum of 6,000 won as a commission.

Baedal Minjok’s position is “not for the company’s profit, but to improve the treatment of delivery drivers.”

If you make a single delivery, the delivery driver will not be able to deliver as often as before, so you have to raise the delivery fee.

Baedal Minjok explained, “If you receive an order worth 10,000 won, commission sales are only 680 won.”

But the delivery drivers counter, saying, “I don’t get all 6,000 won.”

[이정희/중앙대 경제학부 교수 : 전반적으로 인건비도 오르면서 배달료는 상승할 수밖에 없는 상황인 거 같아요. 배달료에 대한 부담이라는 문제가 이제 어디로 크게 부담이 될 거냐 하는 부분인데…]

As the proportion of ‘single delivery’ among all deliveries is increasing, there are concerns that the conflict over delivery costs may grow.

(Video design: Ha-rim Shin, Da-eun Ahn)