
Should You Wash Your Hair When You Have a Fever?

Can you have hair fever? If you feel bad Hard body Do you want to take a shower to feel refreshed? You can do it? I’m sick but I want to wash my hair or take a shower. Should I do as I please? Because some people fear that when they have a fever, they shouldReduce feverJust cleaning yourself AND pouring water on your head or body can make the discomfort worse So, before making various assumptions, let’s look at some medical facts: It’s a fever. I do not feel well. Can I wash my hair?

I have a fever or feel sick. Can I wash my hair?

Normally, if you have a fever, it is not advisable to shower or wash your hair. Because it is a time when the body is weak. The immune system is not as good as usual Bathing can also cause sudden changes in body temperature. which affects the process of heat metabolism in the body The body has difficulty releasing heat. The fever may return again. And there is also the risk of other complications.

In addition, sick people have fever, hot body and tiredness. If you stay in the bathroom for a long time to shower or wash your hair, you will feel colder. There may be a risk of slipping and falling, getting tired or losing consciousness in the bathroom. Therefore, if you are sick and have a fever, it is best to dry yourself to reduce the fever.

If you have a cold, can you wash your hair?

To the pointCan you wash your hair if you catch a cold? That said, there is still no clear medical information showing that people with a cold are prohibited from bathing or washing their hair. But there is information that if you do not have high fever, chills, tiredness or dizziness. Can take a shower and wash your hair Using warm water to purify the body. And when you’re done showering, you should dry off quickly. Dries hair quickly. As well as getting enough rest

Can I wash my hair?

In people who have a cough Whether it is dry cough or cough with mucus But there was no fever, no runny nose, no tiredness. Can take a shower and wash your hair But you should use warm water instead of cold water.

I have a headache. Can I wash my hair?

For headaches that do not accompany fever I have not had cold symptoms But it is a characteristic of stress headaches. Muscle tension headache This way you can wash your hair or shower normally. You can use normal temperature water or hot water. If it is hot water, it will cause the blood vessels to expand. Helps relax muscles to relieve headaches.

If you have a migraine, you should be a little careful. Because some people can shower and wash their hair normally. It does not affect existing headaches. But for some people, the heat of the water can actually make migraines worse. Taking a cold shower can help relieve migraine symptoms better, so whether you can shower or wash your hair or not depends on each person.

But if the headache is severe, heavy, dizzy, whatever the cause, you should avoid washing your hair or staying in the bathroom for long periods of time because this could cause fatigue. Risk of falling Or you may feel dizzy and fall in the bathroom.

However, each person’s physical condition is different. And the severity of the discomfort also includes other health factors, so if you are not sure whether you should shower or wash your hair or not. It is also advisable to consult a doctor.

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