
Silent bone thief, osteoporosis alert

Source – pixabay

20late teenage working woman AMr. slipped a little on the rain road a while ago., fractured ankle. What was even more upsetting was the results of an orthopedic examination showing that there was osteopenia, an early stage of osteoporosis.. AMr. mixed wheat flour with milk in the morning and drink it, Lunch is mainly meat for protein intake.. And for a diet, have a fruit or salad for dinner., Eat as light as a glass of milk.

Even though I couldn’t eat three meals a day, I thought I would be healthy by eating mostly milk and meat., 20It is so shocking that I have osteoporosis in my teens.Called Asaid Mr..

There are many cases in which young women are on a variety of diets while reducing the amount of food they eat to maintain their body., Bone density is weakened because nutrients are not sufficiently supplied to the bones due to malnutrition..

APeople who eat a high-protein diet like seeds have enough proteinreassured. However, protein and phosphorus interfere with calcium storage in the body, increasing the risk of osteoporosis.. Recommended amount of milk per day 400ml If you drink more more harm than goodThis is the reason why you should increase your calcium intake than the recommended amount if you eat a high-protein diet or eat a high-protein diet on a regular basis..

 Source - Captured from the YouTube channel 'Hyeseong'
Source – Captured from the YouTube channel ‘Hyeseong’

Broadcaster Lee Hye-seong 9On my personal YouTube channel 10I shared the experience of the year-old dieter. Hye-seong Lee said that the one-food diet of eating only three meals a day and three chicken breasts was effective. I lost a lot of weight, but my health was not good.. It was difficult to climb the subway stairs.. There were times when my head was spinning and I almost fellHe also confessed.

every year 10month 20Work was established by the International Osteoporosis Foundation to prevent osteoporosis and raise awareness. world osteoporosis dayam. Like the pink ribbon that symbolizes breast cancer, the symbol of osteoporosis is a lace ribbon that mimics the color and structure of bones..

WHO(World Health Organization) By definition, osteoporosis is A systemic skeletal disease characterized by a decrease in bone mass and an abnormality in microstructure, a disease in which bones become weak and brittleam. In severe cases, fractures due to osteoporosis can lead to death., urinary tract infection, pulmonary embolism, venous thrombus, Pneumonia, bedsore, cause complications such as.

Osteoporosis does not show any specific symptoms until a fracture occurs. Silent Bone Thiefis called. If it’s serious, it could be serious., Many people take osteoporosis lightly..

Once you have osteoporosis, it is impossible to return to the normal bone condition you had before.. So prevention is especially important.. Experts believe that when bone growth stops, it is at its strongest and at its best. 2030It is recommended to prevent and manage osteoporosis from age. One way to do this is to have your bone density checked on a regular basis..

DXA Bone Density Test (Source- Ahn Chang-hoon Obstetrics & Gynecology Blog)
DXA Bone Density Test (Source- Ahn Chang-hoon Obstetrics & Gynecology Blog)

Bone density testing method includes dual energy Xline absorptiometry(dual energy X-ray absorptiometry; DXA), ultrasonic wave, Quantitative computed tomography(quantitative CT) etc.. double DXAis the most common. The tomography of the bone is performed by a bone densitometer, and the result can be checked with a computer, and the time required is 5about a minute.

Some people need regular bone density tests, even if they don’t have any symptoms.. (1)50more than, (2) post-menopausal women, (3)thin bones and low weight, (4)early menopause, decreased male hormones, (5)adrenocortical hormone, People who take thyroid hormones for a long time, (6)hyperthyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome(increase in adrenocortical hormone), People who have undergone gastrointestinal surgery, etc., (7)lack of calcium, lack of exercise, drinking and smoking, diet, etc. 7If any of these are true, it is better to have a bone density test..

2019Osteoporosis patients per year 100exceeded ten thousand. osteoporosis patients 90% The abnormality is female, and the prevalence is female to male 4more than double. Especially in women, bone density is rapidly weakened after menopause due to a decrease in female hormones..

Calcium and vitamins are the most important nutrients for bone health to prevent osteoporosis.Dshould be supplemented in an appropriate amount. Exercising regularly also helps.. Exercise makes your bones strong, Improves balance and coordination.

