
Simple Exercises to Stimulate the Brain and Reduce the Risk of Dementia

Slowing down brain degeneration It can be done in many ways Whether it is choosing to eat good, nutritious foods Exercising regularly, socializing or doing activities to stimulate the brain. how to play brain games You can also do simple exercises. There is no need to waste a lot of sweat. But it stimulates the brain and tests the risk of dementia at the same time!

doctor Bangkok Hospital Phuket Revealing 3 simple exercises that are easy but have all the benefits.

Leisure activities nourish the brain. Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk Too old to have a good memory!

Signs of Alzheimer’s Unusual forgetfulness Leaving it unattended is seriously dangerous!

Both promote better memory and concentration. Increased communication skills The brain and body work together. It also helps reduce stress and manage emotions. The consequences of such exercise can also promote confidence in a better personality!

3 Physical postures serve to stimulate the brain.!

Position 1: Flirting pose L

  • Raise one hand in an L shape.
  • The other hand makes a flirting gesture.
  • Switch back and forth and start accelerating.

Position 2: strong rubbing pose

  • Find a chair to sit comfortably.
  • Open one hand and massage it across the front of your leg.
  • Another hand hit the front of the other leg.
  • Start by taking it slow. and start to gradually accelerate and change sides

Dementia is not necessarily Alzheimer’s. The type of disease is revealed. Are young people at risk?

Position 3: alternate rotation of the arm.

  • Raise both arms, make a fist and swing one in opposite directions.
  • After that, switch sides. It swings back and forth

However, you should get a health check at least once a year if you are experiencing any abnormal signs of Alzheimer’s risk. You should immediately consult a doctor to find ways to address, slow down the disease and provide targeted treatment.

However, if anyone doesn’t see the picture, they can (click to see a demonstration of the exercise postures) ) can be found here ^^

Thanks for the information from: Bangkok Hospital

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#simple #exercise #postures #Dont #sweat #stimulate #brain #Preventing #Alzheimers #PPTVHD36