
Siriraj Genomics Center Urges State to Improve Access to Breast Cancer Screening Services for All Thai People

Siriraj Genomics Center Urges State to Accelerate Access to Breast Cancer Screening Services

In a recent announcement, Professor Dr. Manop Pitakphakorn, Head of the Center for Excellence in Precision Medicine at the Siriraj Genomics Center of Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, emphasized the importance of offering screening services for breast cancer gene mutations (BRCA1/BRCA2) under the health promotion and disease prevention benefits of the National Health Security Office (NHSO). These services should be accessible to all Thai individuals, ensuring that they can receive free screenings. This development is particularly beneficial for Thai women at risk of such diseases and significantly enhances the country’s healthcare system. Genetic factors are responsible for most breast cancer cases, and individuals with a family history of cancer face a risk of up to 50 percent. By identifying the specific genes involved and targeting preventative measures, the risk of developing breast cancer can be significantly reduced.

Dr. Manop further explained that genetic decoding can provide valuable insights that enable the prevention of cancer from birth for at-risk individuals. The DNA data of 50,000 individuals participating in the Project Genomics of Thailand, a vital initiative for future medical treatments, includes this information. The ultimate goal is to advance precision medicine, facilitating more effective and tailored healthcare outcomes.

The Siriraj Genomics Center’s services stem from the analysis of genetic decoding data obtained from Thai patients across five major disease groups, including cancer, rare diseases, chronic communicable diseases, infectious diseases, and pharmacogenetics. Such initiatives align with the Action Plan for Integrated Genomics Thailand 2020-2024, positioning Thailand as a pioneer within Southeast Asia in providing accessible and free genomics services. Although Singapore preceded Thailand in implementing the Nomix program, the comprehensive healthcare services and advancements in medical technology in Thailand accentuate the country’s significant progress.

However, access to breast cancer screening in at-risk groups remains limited, despite its inclusion in the National Health Insurance package covering all populations. Currently, screening services are predominantly available at large hospitals, medical schools, and cancer center hospitals. There is potential for community hospitals or smaller healthcare facilities to provide screening services, but a lack of clear systems and processes obstruct adequate access. This issue calls for a nationwide effort to ensure that breast cancer screening services are accessible to all patients and at-risk groups throughout the country.

Siriraj Genomics Center further inspection services “Breast cancer” everyone, researchers urge the state to speed up access to rights

Today (September 4, 2023) Professor Dr. Manop Pitakphakorn Head of the Center for Excellence in Precision Medicine Siriraj Genomics Center Siriraj Hospital Faculty of Medicine Mahidol University revealed that screening services to find mutations in breast cancer genes. (BRCA1/BRCA2) in the National Health Security Office (NHSO) included in the health promotion and disease prevention (P&P) benefits, that all Thai people, all treatment rights, can receive free services. It is considered useful for Thai women who are at risk of such diseases. and health service system greatly Because most breast cancer patients are caused by genetic factors. or a direct relative that a family member has had cancer before By causing the risk of cancer as well as up to 50 per cent, but if screened discovers which genes are genetic and they will have mutate them into cancer genes to prevent it first This will help reduce the risk of breast cancer among Thai people.

“In addition, if it is found that there is information from genetic decoding It can make it possible to see the prevention so that the risk group will not get cancer from birth as well, the DNA data of each of the 50 thousand people in the Project Genomics of Thailand includes it. It is very important for future medical treatment. to aim for precision medicine,” said Professor Dr. Manop.

Head of Research Excellence Center for Precision Medicine Genomics Center Siriraj said such services are happening. It comes from analyzing data obtained from the genetic decoding of Thai people who are patients in 5 major disease groups, including cancer, rare diseases, chronic communicable diseases (NCDs), infectious diseases, and pharmacogenetics. Under the Action Plan for Integrated Genomics Thailand 2020-2024 (Thailand Genomics), which is considered one of the genetic medicine (Genomic Medicine), which is the country’s new medical technology.

Prof. Dr. Manop further said that Mr. As a result, Thailand is the first country in ASEAN to offer genomics services that are accessible to all. is free Although it is the second country to start the Nomix program after Singapore. But it can be seen that the development and extension of medical technology has led to comprehensive health services. Thailand has made great progress.

In addition, even today, medical technology has advanced greatly. especially the development of precision medicine or genomic medicine Especially developed countries that invest seriously in this matter. But the important point is that the public can access AND take advantage of that modern medical technology or not. Because if it is a good, modern medical technology, but its use is limited to certain groups of patients that can be accessed. rendering the technology meaningless and of no benefit to the national health system as a whole

“Compared to other countries that have similar genomics projects, It is considered that we have an extension that shows great progress. Although the beginning of genomics in Thailand is later than developed countries. But the important thing is that when we get information from genomic medicine we can extend and push policy. into a package of health service benefits for the whole country,” said Professor Dr Manop.

However, Professor Dr Manop said that now screening for breast cancer in risk groups Although it is a package of benefits in the National Health Insurance. which includes all populations But access to the service is not yet widespread. Because screening is still limited to large hospitals. in medical school Including a cancer center hospital but part of community hospitals or small hospitals in some states It has the potential to screen. Or collect items for examination as well, but at the moment there is no clear system or process to support this This has led to a lack of access to breast cancer screening. to believe that there are patients and groups at risk throughout the country

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