
Six Years of Patience: Italian Photographer’s Stunning Astrophotography

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This photo was successfully taken by the Italian photographer Barrerio Minato after waiting for six years. This photo was presented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as one of the ‘best astronomical photos of the year.’

“This is the best astrophotography ever.”

A photo of an astronomical object was revealed that even surprised scientists.

It took a whopping 6 years to get this one picture.

On the 27th local time, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) released a photo where the crescent moon, mountain peaks, and the cathedral overlapped in a triple alignment, and selected this photo as one of the ‘astronomy photos’ the best of the year.’

The person who took pictures of the incredible scene after staying for six years in one place was the Italian photographer Barrerio Minato.

He managed to take this famous astronomical picture in Piedmont, Italy, at about 6:52 pm on the 15th.

The photo he took captured the triple alignment of the Basilica of Superga, Mount Monviso, and the setting crescent moon.

Minato, who was able to take this picture after six attempts at one location over six years, said, “I took the picture by studying the phase of the moon, the location of the horizon, and the weather in detail to a tenth of accuracy.”

In response to some doubts that artificial intelligence (AI) or Photoshop might have been used, he firmly said, “We shouldn’t think that only technology can surprise us.”

He was delighted and said, “When trying to show an amazing scene, sometimes patience and observation are enough. I finally did it.”

Minato also shared a video of the photo-taking process on his social media.

The scientists who saw the picture were amazed, saying, “This is a perfect astronomical picture created by the combination of exact time in seconds and perfect weather.”

Netizens also said, “I salute the 6 years of patience and perseverance for just one picture,” and “This is a precious picture that can only be taken by thinking carefully and analyzing everything. He’s a real photographer that you don’t often see in the world these days.” The response was met with loud applause.

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Several photos posted on social media by Italian photographer Barrerio Minato.

(Photo = valeriominato’s Instagram capture)

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