
Son Jun-ho’s ‘Nolto’ Debut on ‘Amazing Saturday’

Enlarge photo ‘Amazing Saturday’. LtvN’s photo

Son Jun-ho expressed his thoughts on his ‘Nolto’ debut.

The musical actor couple Kim So-hyun and Son Jun-ho appeared on tvN’s entertainment program ‘Amazing Saturday’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘Nolto’), which was broadcast on the afternoon of the 11th.

On this day’s broadcast, Son Jun-ho responded to Boom, who was asked how he felt about his debut, saying, “I’m dumbfounded. “I’ve been thinking about what to say in rather than personal stories, and now my mind is on fire.”

Shin Dong-yeop said, “The guest before the recording was supposed to come out later, but he came towards the place where we were gathered. “He looked like he was out of his mind,” she said, laughing.

‘Amazing Saturday’ tunes every Saturday at 7:30pm.

[서예지 스타투데이 객원기자]

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