
Study Finds Walking 9,000 Steps a Day Can Prolong Healthy Lifespan

Healthy lifespan is the average life expectancy minus the period of inactivity due to illness or injury. It does not simply mean living a long time, but refers to the period of time in which one can lead a daily life without health problems.

The results of the analysis showed that healthy life expectancy is proportional to the number of steps taken. A research team from Kyoto Prefectural University in Japan analyzed the relationship between the number of daily steps and health status and published the report in the British Medical Association Journal (BMJ Health & Care Informatics).

The research team developed an index to predict healthy lifespan using artificial intelligence (AI), which automatically learned about 40 elements, including age, gender and presence of diseases.

The subject of this analysis is the data of approximately 4,900 adults (average age 60 years, 52% women) who participated in the National Livelihood Survey and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of their country. Their average number of steps per day was 5,650.

As a result of the analysis of the relationship between this indicator and health status and the number of steps, the number of steps and the indicator were proportional. In other words, it was found that 9,000 steps per day are needed to prolong a healthy life and 11,000 steps to improve health. However, things didn’t get any better than that.

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