
Surviving 10 Days in a Deep Canyon: Uncle’s Ingenious Rescue Signal and Miraculous Survival

Unlucky Uncle Stuck in a deep canyon for 10 days, hurt to the point where I couldn’t walk. Find an awesome way to tell the location of the person you know. Finally survived

Photo of Nantou County Fire Department, May 8, 2024. South China Morning Post website revealed that recently There is an uncle story in Taiwan. It got a lot of attention and applause. After he encountered an unexpected misfortune Stuck in a deep canyon for 10 days, almost unable to survive. But with a clever idea This allows him to find a way to tell people the location coordinates. and became successful in helping

According to local media reports, the incident began on April 12, when a 54-year-old man named “Zhuang” went out hiking alone. at Phoenix Mountain in Taiwan’s Nantou District until falling into a valley. From a height of about 10 metres, it caused an injury to the right leg. until unable to walk

Uncle Zhuang does not have a mobile phone. So unable to contact anyone to help. They also have hunger symptoms. This was because his body had not eaten anything for many days during all the time he was stuck in that valley. But Uncle did not succumb to this terrible fate. He tried to think of a way to survive.

Photo from Nantou County Fire Department After observing the surrounding area, Uncle saw a pipe that carried water to local residents And nearby, there was a type of plant called a giant taro tree It has thick, strong legs and large leaves. An uncle, who used to be a plumber in the past, came up with an idea. Use the folding knife you carry with you to gently cut the water pipe. Then keep stuffing the ram legs in so the water pipes are not blocked.

After Uncle had an accident After a period of 10 days, the villagers of the area finally came to know that an abnormality happened with the water pipe. So we set out to investigate the case. Until I met my uncle who was stuck in a deep valley. So, he immediately notified the rescue personnel to get him to come and help. He managed to bring Uncle down from the mountain safely.

From the initial investigation, uncle was found to have stable vital signs. But the physical condition is weak. due to lack of food He also had injuries to his right leg and left thigh. The officers then sent the uncle into an emergency vehicle. Going to hospital for treatment

Photo from Nantou County Fire Department.

Photo from Nantou County Fire Department.

After this story was published on online media. People expressed their admiration for his strong spirit. and Uncle’s clever ideas Even when faced with difficult, frightening and life-threatening situations. But he managed to survive in the end.

“Amazing, the way you help yourself is amazing. No one can find me or come to my help.”

“Heaven or fate always leaves a hole open. Those who survive the worst dangers will have the best of luck in the future.”

“This is a great idea. In such a dangerous crisis, he was very aware and resourceful.”

Thanks for information from South China Morning Post, Taiwan News.
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