
Symptoms of a sudden heart attack… suffered by the artist Muhammad Al-Amrousi – Miscellaneous

A state of anxiety dominated the followers and fans of the artist Mohamed Al-Amrousi, after he suffered a sudden heart attack, but the artist soon came out to reassure his fans about his health condition, sending a message of thanks to everyone who supported him during this crisis.

Among his supporters was his fiancée, the star Mai Farouk, who stood by him during his ordeal, and as a result, we review in this report the symptoms that indicate a sudden heart attack.

A heart attack occurs as a result of a drop in temperature, which in turn leads to an increase in the activity of the nervous system, which in turn helps keep the body as warm as possible, which causes a heart attack, according to what Dr. Walid Al-Awadhi, professor of cardiovascular diseases, said during his speech to Al-Watan. ».

The chances of having a heart attack increase in the winter, due to the low temperatures, which constrict the blood vessels, which are largely responsible for the breathing process within the body, which works to supply the heart with the necessary air, which works to help supply the heart with air.

Symptoms of a sudden heart attack

There are many symptoms that indicate a sudden heart attack, according to the Mayo Clinic website, including:

Cold or profuse sweating.

shortness of breath

– Nausea and vomiting.

– Feeling dizzy.

– Accelerated heartbeat.

– Heartburn or indigestion.

– Permanent fatigue.

Tips to prevent a heart attack

There are many tips that people should follow to prevent a heart attack, including:

– Drink plenty of water.

– Drink plenty of fluids.

– Diversify foods, especially those containing vegetables and fruits.

– Avoid fatty foods that contain a high percentage of fat.