
Taegeuk Pharmaceutical Launches “Evenchil Liquid” for Stomatitis Treatment

Taegeuk Pharmaceutical announced on the 10th that it has launched “Evenchil Liquid”, a treatment for stomatitis.

According to the company, Eventil solution contains 50% polycrezulene solution and removes harmful bacteria that cause inflammation in the mouth. It does not affect normal skin and acts selectively only on damaged cells, effectively treating stomatitis, gingivitis and vaginal bacterial infections.

When using for stomatitis and gingivitis, soak a cotton ball in the medicine and apply it several times to the symptomatic area. In case of vaginal bacterial infections, press the affected area for 1-3 minutes using gauze soaked in the solution. Use twice at intervals of 3-4 days. If symptoms do not go away, see a doctor.

This product is an over-the-counter medicine that can be purchased without a prescription in pharmacies. It is a highly acidic product, so be careful not to let it come into contact with your eyes or teeth. Also, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly after applying it to the oral mucosa or gums.

An official from Taegeuk Pharmaceutical said: “The existing products, Avina Pasta and Eventac Ointment, were effective in improving the symptoms as they had excellent retention even when applied in the oral cavity with a lot of saliva. He added: “Polycrezulene solution , the main ingredient of the recently released Eventchill solution, contains mainly bacteria “It is excellent for treating infectious stomatitis,” he explained.

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#Taegeuk #Pharmaceutical #launches #Evenchil #solution #treatment #stomatitis