
No pro-Palestinian demonstration on New Year’s Eve

A pro-Palestinian demonstration was supposed to take place in Berlin-Neukölln on New Year’s Eve of all days. The police have security concerns and ban the protest. The Berlin police have banned a pro-Palestinian demonstration planned for New Year’s Eve in the Neukölln district. A police spokeswoman said this when asked. The RBB had previously reported. […]

Anti-Semitism in Berlin at pro-Palestine demos – is there a threat of escalation?

Good morning, dear reader, The images and news that reached us this week are shocking: During pro-Palestine demonstrations in Berlin-Neukölln, bottles, stones and fireworks were thrown at the emergency services, injuring several officers. Cars were set on fire. In Frankfurt, police used water cannons to break up a previously banned meeting. Unknown people also threw […]

How can hatred of Jews be stopped?

Good morning, dear reader, The images and news that reached us this week are shocking: During pro-Palestine demonstrations in Berlin-Neukölln, bottles, stones and fireworks were thrown at the emergency services, injuring several officers. Cars were set on fire. In Frankfurt, police used water cannons to break up a previously banned meeting. Unknown people also threw […]

Middle East conflict and anti-Semitism in Neukölln

People on German streets cheer Hamas’ cruel terrorist attack on Israel. Should such rallies be banned? Loading… Embed Men distribute sweets in Berlin-Neukölln to celebrate the Hamas attack. Also at pro-Palestinian Rallies celebrate the cruel acts. The topic of the Middle East conflict is also on everyone’s lips in Germany. Does this still count as […]

Pro-Palestine demos: Middle East conflict & anti-Semitism in Neukölln

People on German streets cheer Hamas’ cruel terrorist attack on Israel. Should such rallies be banned? Men distribute sweets in Berlin-Neukölln to celebrate the Hamas attack. Also at pro-Palestinian Rallies celebrate the cruel acts. The topic of the Middle East conflict is also on everyone’s lips in Germany. Does this still count as freedom of […]

The Middle East conflict on German streets – This is what needs to be done

Good morning, dear reader, Man is a forgetful, repressive creature. This is necessary for survival, otherwise our brain would be unable to act because of all the information and emotions. What doesn’t affect us directly and immediately has a hard time staying in our minds and even harder getting us to act. I had to […]

Middle East conflict on German streets: high time to act

Good morning, dear reader, Man is a forgetful, repressive creature. This is necessary for survival, otherwise our brain would be unable to act because of all the information and emotions. What doesn’t affect us directly and immediately has a hard time staying in our minds and even harder getting us to act. I had to […]

It is high time to act

Good morning, dear reader, Man is a forgetful, repressive creature. This is necessary for survival, otherwise our brain would be unable to act because of all the information and emotions. What doesn’t affect us directly and immediately has a hard time staying in our minds and even harder getting us to act. I had to […]

Ahmad Mansour on Hamas attack on Israel: “spitting on basic values”

Supporters of the Palestinians in German cities cheered Hamas’ murder in Israel. The authorities must take stricter action against them, demands the German-Israeli psychologist Ahmad Mansour. Palestinian Hamas terrorists hunted and killed hundreds of people in Israel over the weekend. While the killings continued, sympathizers celebrated these acts of terror in Berlin-Neukölln and other cities. […]