
SPD wants to easily deport clan members – a traffic light party is against it

Fight clan crime, but how? The Ministry of the Interior asked itself the same question and made a proposal. This is met with opposition from the coalition partner. Criminal clans are active in many places in Germany. Not only in Berlin, but also in other cities and regions of Germany. Their members are often involved […]

Outdoor pool riots in Germany: why young people become violent

Again and again there are riots in outdoor pools – often triggered by young males. There are complex societal reasons behind this violence. Bullying at the edge of the pool, sexual harassment of women or even fights: This is everyday life in some German outdoor pools, such as the Columbiabad in Berlin-Neukölln. The bathroom even […]

That puts the men under pressure

Good morning, dear reader, they were very, very difficult days that I had to live through. Perhaps even the hardest of my – you allow me the indiscretion – admittedly not poor school days on hard days. Because in the summer of 2002 the soccer World Cup was taking place in Japan and South Korea, […]