
Study Finds Balanced Diet with Meat Better for Brain Health than Vegetarian Diet

Research has shown that a balanced diet is good for brain health. [사진: 셔터스톡] [디지털투데이 AI리포터] Research has shown that a balanced diet containing meat is better for brain health than a vegetarian diet. This was reported by 9 Medical News Today based on the results of research published in the international academic journal “Nature […]

The Power of Cocoa: Nourishing the Brain and Body

“Cocoa” is rich in polyphenols (Polyphenols), free radicals. (Antioxidant) reduces inflammation and helps improve blood circulation. Low blood pressure Reduce cholesterol and reduce blood sugar levels And contains anti-asthma substances. It helps the lungs to expand, relaxes breathing and reduces inflammation By studying the components of cocoa it was discovered that the flavonoids present in […]

The Impact of Exercise on Neurological Health: What the Research Says

Yunhee Lee ( ㆍDoctorate in Exercise Physiology ㆍVice President of Korea Society of Physical Nutrition, Special Professor at Korea Open Cyber ​​​​​​University ㆍVice President of the Medical Division of the Korean Association of Athletics Federations (exercise physiology, nutrition, doping division) ㆍManaging Director of Passico Co., Ltd. While there is growing research and evidence that physical […]

How to Keep Your Brain Young and Healthy as You Age

If you can stand on one foot for 30 seconds with your eyes closed, you can consider yourself to have the brain of someone in their 40s. /Shutterstock Old Scrooge from the movie “A Christmas Carol” is known as an old man with an eccentric personality. The scene of someone getting irritated and losing patience […]

7 Habits to Avoid for Better Brain Health and Dementia Prevention

2024-02-18 09:32:39 Translated by Wang Yuting, reporter of Lianhe Daily Vitality Weekly Changing lifestyle habits can reverse or delay dementia, and it is never too late. Figure/123RF With the arrival of a super-aged society, dementia has become a global crisis. Although the factors of dementia include force majeure factors such as genetics and the environment, […]

The Role of Vitamin K in Brain Health: What You Need to Know

Only in recent years have researchers begun studying the effects of vitamin K on brain health. These studies have found that vitamin K plays an important role in brain chemistry, that vitamin K is found in high concentrations in the brain and is linked to both cognitive abilities and brain health. The first is chemical […]

Study Shows Aducanumab Improves Treatment Status and Rehabilitates Impaired TIM in Mice, Offering Promising Therapeutic Target for Alzheimer’s

Exhausted immune cells in the brain, “TIM (terminal inflammatory microglia)” Aducanumab improves treatment status and rehabilitates impaired TIM in mice “TIM may be a promising therapeutic target.” “It could lead to a new treatment for Alzheimer’s.” A study recently published in the medical journal Immunity found that “depleted” immune cells in the brain can cause […]

Understanding Cerebral Infarction: Common Questions and Answers

Stroke, formerly known as paralysis, is a serious cerebrovascular disease and is a major health problem suffered by many people, including one in six people worldwide who suffer from it in their lifetime. There are two types of stroke: cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction. Cerebral hemorrhage is a disease in which blood vessels in the […]